The Muslim presentation makes its way into the cinematic universe of Marvel (MCU), since the first character in the hijab is officially introduced in the recently released movie Spiderman: Far from Home.
In the upcoming sequel to the movie “Spiderman: A Return to Home,” Pakistani actor Zoha Rahman plays Peter Parker, known as “Spiderman,” who joins him during a tour of Europe.
Thus, Rahman plays the first official character in the hijab in the MCU. The actor wanted to audition for the role since she noticed that a Muslim student was wearing a hijab in the background of the Parker Maths lesson. This blockbuster has just portrayed a Muslim character as an ordinary part of American life. Rahman saw in it what was: a huge step forward for the Muslim representation.
That meant so much to me. So that I have the opportunity to play the character and represent so many girls whom I know personally, and whom I love and admire, ”she told Forbes.
Burkini on Sports Illustrated.
Initially, no one mentioned that Rahman was wearing a hijab. It was much later that she was ready to make this addition. A starlet starter card.
However, Rahman still sees the entertainment industry far behind in terms of inclusion. Although she is happy that projects such as the Black Panther are making progress, she knows that there is a long way for South Asians and Muslims. “We are still stuck on this little caricature scene,” said Rahman. “I call it the“ Trio C. ” We are either a techie, a terrorist, or a taxi driver. ”
Spiderman: far from home
the main gang in the second round will be returned with the addition of some new faces, including Rahman and Hollywood star Jake Gyllenhaal, who joins the Marvel universe under the name Mysterio. The film went to the cinema on July 2.