The brain The brain is the most complex organ in the body. It’s divided into two sides, or hemispheres, each controlling the opposite side of the body and different areas of activity. The left hemisphere controls cognition (thinking) and language, plus movement and sensation on the right side of the […]
6 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has recently been discovered to have a number of healthy benefits. While eating dark chocolate can lead to the health benefits described below, remember that chocolate is also high in fat. Use FitDay to keep track of your calories and nutrition as you work towards your weight loss goals. […]
What is high blood pressure?
It causes the heart to work harder than normal putting both the heart and arteries at greater risk of damage. High blood pressure, or hypertension, increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, damage to the eyes, congestive heart failure and atherosclerosis. Hypertension exists where the pressure at which […]
The Best-Dressed Men of the Week
Our step by step assembling of GQ-supported packs from every big name primary road, paparazzo spotting, and top of the line event over the globe. If an eminent individual fit up outstandingly well, nailed business agreeable, or just got street style-snapped looking damn incredible, this is the spot you’ll see […]
Causes and effects of back pain
Common causes of back pain Stress factors The symptoms of simple back pain often occur suddenly and can be triggered by a particular movement, but the causes may have been building for some time. Some of the most common causes of stress and strain on the spine include: Slouching in […]