reathe in Blu’s social-networking cigarette pack

  Smoking these days can be lonely business, what with smoking now banned in many bars and other traditional smokers’ hangouts. But a new handheld device is designed to help smokers find each other–and it might even help them kick the habit. Meet the “blu Smart Pack,” the world’s first […]

reathe in Blu’s social-networking cigarette pack

  Smoking these days can be lonely business, what with smoking now banned in many bars and other traditional smokers’ hangouts. But a new handheld device is designed to help smokers find each other–and it might even help them kick the habit. Meet the “blu Smart Pack,” the world’s first […]

Alternative Treatment for Knee Arthritis

Knee arthritis typically affects individuals over the age of 50 years old, and is characterized by a wearing away of the cartilage joint in the knee. When the cartilage begins to disappear, the joint and bare bone rub against each other, causing pain. The most common symptoms of knee arthritis, […]